teachers make a lasting impact in the lives of their students
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Common Challenges Face by Students
What is Your Child's Profile?
The Intelligent Student

- Scoring distinctions in exams
- Motivated to learn
- Wants to pick up studying strategies to maintain high standard in final exams
The Struggling Student

- A lot of room for improvement in results
- Struggling with school work
- Working hard but not working smart
The Overseas Student

- New to local environment and Singapore syllabus
- Generally strong in most subjects in home country
- Need to catch up with English language
The Gifted Student

- Either in GEP or passed through 1st round of GEP testing
- High performing in most subjects except for 1 or 2
- Facing difficulty in specific subjects, such as Higher Chinese
How We Can Help Your Child
We Hire Staff Who Know more on Teaching
When your child enrolled in our learning programmes, our teachers will take your child’s learning to the next level with the Linchpin Advancement Method (LAM).
Our Linchpin Competencies will equip your child with proficiencies to apply knowledge and tackle advanced problems under the teacher’s guidance.
All FUN LEARNERS SCHOOL programmes are founded on the principles of using the most progressive instructional ideas, strategies and techniques to empower students with the 21st Century Competencies imperative for excelling in this rapidly-changing and globalised world.
Designed by experts, our interactive learning platform combines Flipped Classroom and e-learning to enable them to take control of their learning progress.
Founded on the principles of education research and psychology, your child will be taught how to approach learning any subject to the next level with studying strategies and exam tactics for optimal academic performance.
Linchpin Competencies equip your child with proficiencies of top performers isolated through master-and-doctoral-level action research.
Our approach to learning every subject is based on the 3 Concepts:
1. Exam Orientation
a) Hands-on training in exam tactics
b) Class tests for mental preparation
c) Answering Skills for maximum marks
2. Unique Curriculum Approach
a) Concept maps for quick understanding
b) InteliNote for note-creation
c) Learning shortcuts for maximum efficiency
3. Speed Studying Strategies
a) Factual Knowledge for hidden syllabus
b) Concept Application on higher-order questions
17 years of proven track record since 2005 when it comes to helping students overcome challenges in their pursue of academic success.

Classes At All Levels

Pre-Primary School

Primary School

Secondary School

Online Lesson
Ready To Get Started?
Motivate And Push Learners For A Greater Cause
Learners are rewarded with stars for outstanding behaviour and academic performance! They can exchange the stars for gifts, laser quests or buffet lunches!