$50.00 – $65.00 每节课
小一 至 小六 —— 1 小时 45 分钟
学期:12 至 13 周
- 看图作文和情境作文
- 学习三大写作主题。
- 如何审题,弄清题目,以免离题。
- 如何确保文章主体符合题目,而不偏离。
- 如何运用有创意的开头,结尾和过渡写作,让读者留下深刻印象。好的结尾和开头一样重要。
- 如何在作文里恰当地运用成语、俗语,提高表达并使文字更精简。
- 如何运用不同的修辞法(如比喻、比拟、人物对话等等)使文章更形象化和有画面感。
- 每一篇写作都有老师的范文来辅助教学,让学生能对比本身文章和老师的不同以及可以改进之处。
- 老师会引导并提高学生对环境和事物的观察力,使到写文章能言之有物,而不只是凑字数。
I had relatively poor comprehension skills and I often faced problems with my sentence structure.
The teacher is very cheerful and friendly. She allows us to learn in a comfortable manner and does not judge us when we don't know how to read simple words (which I really appreciate).
I learnt a lot of useful techniques and many new phrases. My writing skills also improved since we were exposed to many good stories.
My overall Chinese grade improved from B3 to A1.
JeslynStudent in S2 HCL
I couldn't understand what concepts were being taught in school.
Lessons were taught in a very encouraging way and the teachers had made the lessons very fun and interesting to take part in.
I started to understand the concepts needed to answer questions in exams and what I needed to write so marks could be awarded in exams.
Improved from a low B4 (60) in 2020 to a B3 (66) in 2021. Skills needed for Paper 2 also became stronger.
RachelStudent in S2HCL
I was weak in text analysis.
I enjoyed the interaction and the different activities we do to learn better.
Learning how to take more paper noted and how to understand texts.
Overall, I have done better in comprehension analysis.
Low Cheng XunStudent in S2 HCL
I did not know much 成语 and 词语搭配.
In the class here, I enjoyed all the lessons and games.
I got to know more phrases which helped me in close passage and also techniques. I got to learn ahead of school which makes me understand better in class.
I improved in both my comprehension and close passage.
SharmainStudent in S2 HCL