Problem #05: Unable to teach own child no matter how intelligent he is or not
Choosing the right tuition centre is crucial for your child’s academic success.
Over the years, we have encountered many brilliant students whose potential for academic success were denied. Worst of all, we have seen many brilliant students’ talents untapped and underachievement in their examination results.
To begin with, there were many reasons.
One of the most common mistakes we discovered was the failure to identify challenges faced by a child when studying.
On the other hand, attending tuition centre does not guarantee the child’s success; Right Teaching Method and Right Study Method Does !!!
Here in Fun Learner’s School, we always make it a point to understand the challenges faced by students on their side of the problem before any meaningful progress can be expected.

*Note: Names have been changed to protect identities.
Case Study #5: Mdm Yip* Thought She Could Teach Her Own Child….
Background Information:
Education Level: Primary 4
Learning Challenge: Unable to teach own child no matter how intelligent he is or not
Tuition Experience: None, coached by parents at home
Mdm Yip had over 15 years of primary school teaching under her belt along with a reputation for being a strict disciplinarian. As an English and math teacher, she was both feared and respected, having taught the best classes. Despite being more than qualified, Mdm Yip achieved little success in training her own child.
Her son, Zhao Ming, was a bright boy in the Gifted Education Programme (GEP). His results had been average on overall, and Mdm Yip definitely felt he could do much better. However, she had a very hard time getting him to do the work she assigned.
For instance, a composition assigned since September was still incomplete as of March. We can only imagine all the weekly nagging along the way. On another note, science was also not Mdm Chew’s forte, and she had a hard time asking her science colleagues for help in certain questions.
From a classmate’s parent, Mrs Chew knew about Fun Learners School. Its teachers not only had the experience of catering to GEP students, but more importantly had its way of motivating learners to do their practices. After trying out a few lessons, she ended up tagging her elder daughter from IB along in the secondary classes.
As a parent, have you found yourself trying to teach your child, but realised that your knowledge of the school curriculum has been outdated? Even after you put in the hours of study, there still is the question of motivating your child the right way. If you face these hurdles, come to us. At Fun Learners School, we can help.