Flipped Classroom
Many Parents have a Tendency to Perceive that the
Learning Progress of their Child is Slower than Average.
Some may even go as far as to think that their child may possess learning disabilities.
However, do they really have learning disabilities? Or is the current method of teaching unsuitable for them?
Consider these questions:
Is your child able to absorb and apply what he has learnt effectively? Is he facing difficulties in revision without additional help? More importantly, does your child have an aversion towards learning?
When a child is not performing well academically, parents are inclined to attempt a slew of different enrichment centres, in hopes that one will be a game-changer. Some may even question the learning ability of their child. However, has it ever occurred to you that the issue may lie in the incompatibility between the teaching method and your child’s learning style? Have you questioned if your child’s thirst for knowledge has been dampened?
Each child has a unique learning style that requires a specialised set of compatible teaching methods.
Through conversations with our students, it has been impressed upon us that a good number of them are keen to revisit lessons as if they were re-watching videos. In doing so, they can repeatedly go through the areas they find challenging, until every obstacle encountered during the initial learning period has been overcome.
Indeed, in this digital era where smart devices and the World Wide Web are evolving by the second, why should our teaching methods and materials remain stagnant? Our education methods should progress and evolve with the times.
At Fun Learners’ School, The Flip Classroom Concept leads education into a new era. Embracing out-of-the-box learning and toppling traditional teaching methods, The Flip Classroom Concept reinvents your child’s learning experience.
What Is The Flipped Classroom Concept?
The Flipped Classroom Concept
A teaching arrangement that utilises advancements in technology to provide online preparatory lessons for students.
Students will be able to access expert training videos prior to their in-person classes, allowing them to be acquainted with the lesson content beforehand. Under the guidance of their teachers during their in-person classes, they would be better equipped to complete the assignments and attempt higher difficulty questions.
Why The Flipped Classroom Concept?
"The Flipped Classroom Concept Allows Each Child To Take Ownership Of Their Own Learning."
Traditional education methods generally progress from ‘teaching’ to ‘learning’. When a teacher takes his place in front of the whiteboard, a standard lesson flow commences: Lesson content is dished out in succession, expounded upon, and spoon-fed to the students. However, due to time constraints and a high teacher-to-student ratio, students are often unable to fully absorb and commit all the learning points to memory.
As they work on their assignments, they soon realise that a good number of points that had been taught previously have become unfamiliar. Aside from making it a challenge to complete, embarking on their assignments with a compromised understanding will limit their academic progress as well. Facing a sizeable number of unsolved questions might then leave them feeling defeated, and inevitably cultivate an aversion to learning.
Research has shown that if students are able to effectively complete their assignments, they are able to achieve a higher knowledge retention rate.
Therefore, The Flipped Classroom Concept allows the learning process to start at home.
With The Flipped Classroom Concept, students can view the videos at the own pace. This allows them to spend more time on content that they face difficulties in grasping immediately.
At the same time, they can formulate any questions they have prior to their in-person lessons and surface them during class. This will help to facilitate in-depth discussions during their lessons. After addressing these questions, the teacher can then reinforce the students’ understanding by attempting higher difficulty questions.
Our 2021 Flipped Classroom Schedule is out, please click here.