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Chinese Language


Fun in Chinese 泛乐华文

$50.00 – $65.00 Per Lesson


Available: All Year

Lesson Duration:
Pri 2 – Sec 4 for 1 hr 45 mins
Pre-Primary – Pri 1 for 1 hr 30 mins

Term: 12 to 13 Weeks

Level: Intermediate to Advance

All lessons are auto recorded for revision purpose.

This programme develops Learners’ oral, reading, comprehension and listening skills, improving their Chinese Language ability.

Designed according to MOE’s latest syllabus, this curriculum is specially crafted to develop Learners’ interest in Chinese and ultimately, to excel in their Chinese examinations.

The Learners’ Experience:

• Two main focus: comprehension skills training and oral presentation skills.

• Learn Chinese idioms and proverbs, and will therefore appreciate Chinese culture more.

• Progress Reports will be given to parents after Mock Tests.

There will be no compositions given.

Learners will be given newspaper articles, so that they can keep abreast of the latest developments in Singapore.

Covers Paper 2 content.

Primary 1 to 3

Learners are exposed to interesting and creative materials to cultivate an interest in the Chinese Language.

Teachers will focus on honing the Learners’ reading, writing and oral skills.



Show and Tell


Picture Description

Reading Skills

e.g. 绕口令


Speech and Drama

one-to-one oral coaching for exam



Step-by-step guidance for Chinese characters recognition

e.q. 笔顺、象形法、部首认字、六书

Cultivating an interest in reading through our book collection



Interesting and Creative Materials

 e.q. 民间传说、成语故事、谜语、笑话、诗歌、文学作品、历史文化

Answering Techniques

e.g. keywords identification, answer presentation, modelling, inferential skills  







Mastering transcription and intonation



Examinable words, idioms, proverbs, antonym, synonym


Current Affairs

News article to instill a broader perspective

e.g. COVID-19疫情、阻断措施、公德心



Mini class assessment

Oral assessment

Listening Comprehension Test


Fun in Learning

Memory reinforcer e.g. Han-Twister, 看图猜成语 ,思维游戏 ,tic-tac-toe, memory card games, charades, roll dice, etc.


Springboard to Distinction*

Elaborated reward system to encourage Learners’ discipline, effort and performance.

Primary 4 to 6

Classes are categorised into 2 types: Chinese or Higher Chinese.

Learn different comprehension answering techniques and answer presentation.



Presentation skills


Video Description

Reading Skills

e.g. 绕口令


one-to-one oral coaching for exam



Step-by-step guidance for Chinese comprehension skills

e.q. 六何法、Bloom taxonomy

Cultivating an interest in reading through our book collection



Interesting and Creative Materials

 e.q. 民间传说、成语故事、谜语、笑话、诗歌、文学作品、历史文化

Answering Techniques

e.g. keywords identification, answer presentation, modelling, inferential







Mastering transcription and intonation



Examinable words, idioms, proverbs, antonym, synonym


Current Affairs

News article to instill a broader perspective

e.g. COVID-19疫情、阻断措施、公德心



Mini class assessment

Oral assessment

Listening Comprehension Test


Fun in Learning

Memory reinforcer e.g. Han-Twister, 看图猜成语 ,思维游戏 ,tic-tac-toe, memory card games, charades, roll
dice, etc.


Springboard to Distinction*

Elaborated reward system to encourage Learners’ discipline, effort and


Secondary Chinese 中学华文

The curriculum is designed according to MOE’s latest syllabus.

Classes are categorised into 2 types: Chinese or Higher Chinese.

The curriculum focuses on comprehension and composition.

Intensive writing exercise during school holidays while focus on comprehension skills training when school reopens. 

Learners will be given oral practice under simulated exam conditions.

Listening Comprehension will be done once a semester (biannually).

Progress Reports will be given to parents after Mock Tests.

Classes for S1 to S4 students.



Chinese or Higher Chinese #



Cloze Passage

Critical Analysis




Model essays (范文) given as reference

Narrative (记叙文)

Exposition (说明文)

Discursive (议论文)

Argumentative (论说文)

Situational writing (应用文)


# Greater emphasis on discursive (议论文) and summary practice(片段缩写).








Stretching Potential

Cultivate higher level analytical skills.


Current Affairs

Weekly news article to instill a broader perspective

e.g. COVID-19疫情、假新闻、物价上涨



Mini class assessment

Oral assessment

Listening Comprehension Test


Fun in Learning

Memory reinforcer e.g. Han-Twister, 看图猜成语, tic-tac-toe, memory card games, charades, roll dice, etc.


Springboard to Distinction*

Elaborated reward system to encourage Learners’ discipline, effort and performance.


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