Problem #08: Not knowing the right method how to study
Choosing the right tuition centre is crucial for your child’s academic success.
Over the years, we have encountered many brilliant students whose potential for academic success were denied. Worst of all, we have seen many brilliant students’ talents untapped and underachievement in their examination results.
To begin with, there were many reasons.
One of the most common mistakes we discovered was the failure to identify challenges faced by a child when studying.
On the other hand, attending tuition centre does not guarantee the child’s success; Right Teaching Method and Right Study Method Does !!!
Here in Fun Learner’s School, we always make it a point to understand the challenges faced by students on their side of the problem before any meaningful progress can be expected.

*Note: Names have been changed to protect identities.
Case Study #8: Wei Li* Realised That The Right Method Is More Important
Background Information:
Education Level: Primary 4
Learning Challenge: Not knowing the right method how to study
Tuition Experience: – Attended other centres previously and switched over
During Primary 4, Wei Li was feeling so helpless. He followed the instructions by school teachers to the letter, and never missed a homework. Take a glance through his workbook, and anyone could not help but admire the pride effusing from his handwriting.
However, the problem was that Wei Li’s results did not reflect the amount of dedication in his work. While his parents and teachers heaped praises on his homework, the test had been disappointing. A “glass ceiling” of careless mistakes preventing him from breaking the 80% (AL3) barrier.
Wei Li’s parents had been centre-hopping until they came upon FLS. In a particular lesson, Wei Li read the math problem sum and gave up straightaway. However, after the teacher asked him to mark up the keywords, he immediately knew the solution. Since then, Wei Li had discovered multiple learning methods that were just as important as the syllabus.
Eventually in Primary 6, Wei Li proceeded to excel in his PSLE and qualified for the Integrated Programme.
Every learner is different, but there are certain behaviours of top students that can be replicated to maximise performance. FLS curriculum is designed toward such an end.
Should your child be underperforming despite all the hard work like Wei Li initially, come to us for a short chat. We can help.